Sunday, June 13, 2010

Everyone is Special

I never thought June would be so crazy. It all started back with our Memorial Day Camping trip which was a very successful family vacation. The following weekend, Jeremy and Jordan went to Father/Son overnight at Camp Haycock. This was a great time for Jeremy and Jordan. It is easy for Jordan to get lost in the middle of this crazy gang. So, Jordan had a blast spending time “just with dad”.

This weekend it was Amanda's and my turn. Amanda and I headed out to a hotel in Lancaster, PA. We spent the weekend completing the “Passport to Purity” program. If your not familiar with the program, it is a great resource to share the “facts of life” with your child. But, in addition to that, it is also a great discussion starter for such topics as friends, peer pressure and putting your relationship with Christ first. Amanda and I had a great time talking together and completing the projects. I have been blessed to have a great relationship with Amanda and I pray that this weekend will only serve to open the door to many more discussions between us as she gets older. We finished off our weekend, by attending Psalms of David, which is a Sight and Sound Performance. We both really enjoyed this program. I bought her a t-shirt to remember our weekend by. Her response. “I don't need a t-shirt to remember the weekend. I just will. It was fun.”

Jeremy and I make an intentional effort to spend time alone with each of our children. For Tyler that means games of chess with dad. For Ben it means a one-on-one shopping trip. When you have 5 kids, this is NOT easy, but the rewards of that one-on-one time outweigh what some would consider an inconvenience. This month, one-on-one time took the form of an overnight away. This was the exception. Typically, I have tried to make it a priority to take Amanda out for a meal or even just a snack once a month. This gives us time to talk and it gives me time to show my appreciation to her. Amanda being the oldest and the only girl can often get stuck with extra chores or helping with her brothers. It means a lot to her when we go out and I say “thank you” to her for all she does to help out. It also gives her the opportunity to share what is going on in her life. Jeremy and Amanda will usually walk the dog together in the evening. This gives them time alone to talk.

We have also attempted to do similar outings with the boys. The boys are now eagerly awaiting their weekend away with dad. They now know when they are about to enter sixth grade they will get to go away just them and dad. We think it is great that they are looking forward to spending time with their dad.

Tomorrow the kids and I are headed out for a fun filled day at Six Flags Great Adventure. Thanks to free tickets through their reading program! We are going with 4 other families. Due to all the time off for China, Jeremy is stuck going to work. (insert sad face here) Not sure who will have the easier day, but I am sure my day will be exciting. I can't wait to take Jonathan through the safari and Ben has been talking about riding the Wiggles Cars with Jonathan.

On Wednesday, Jonathan will get his one-on-one time with Mom and Dad. We will be taking him back to Shriner's Hospital for another evaluation. Not sure what will come of this appointment, but we will keep you posted.

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