This week has been a roller coaster ride! I am ready to get off and go sit on the beach! On Monday we got the call that our LOA (letter of acceptance) had arrived and that it was being overnighted to us. Tuesday we got a call saying UPS didn't pick up the packages so they were never overnighted. Wednesday we got to hold in our hands the piece of paper we had been praying for. This approval generated a bunch of paperwork some of which is time sensitive to keep the process moving. We were up against the clock since we are leaving on vacation. God has been so gracious to us over the last 2-3 days as we have had some difficulty in getting everything we need to complete this paperwork. Prayer and perseverance prevailed as yesterday we got the forms filled out and with a quick trip to our local social worker we got the supporting documentation we needed. Last night we overnighted a package to the immigration people who will prayerfully issue us an approval in the next week or two.
When we return from vacation, we get to apply for our VISAS and also have some more forms to fill out for the next steps. The exciting part is that when we get back from the beach, I can leave the suitcases out and start packing! (at least Jonathan's stuff)
We still don't know when we will travel but will be given anywhere from 1 weeks notice to 4 weeks notice- so we better be ready. Part of the uncertainty is due to October Festivals and the Trade Faire which can make travel difficult and expensive.
Please Pray:
1. We are now waiting for our TA or Travel Approval. Our paperwork is as I type going on quite a journey from the USA and then back over to China. It will now go through numerous departments and needs the stamp of approval from various people. Pray that this happens in a timely manner.
2. Pray for Jonathan and his foster family as they prepare for our arrival in China.
3. Pray for Amanda, Tyler, Jordan, and Ben who have been so patient through this long process. They are ready to have their brother home. Pray even now that God will prepare them as we become a family of 7.
4. Please pray for Mom-Mom's leg to continue to heal. She had her knee replaced but is still experiencing some pain. She will be the primary caretaker while we are away, so she needs to be 100%.
Thank you for your prayers! We really appreciate them.
When we received our LOA, we then were permitted to send a care package to Jonathan. Monday night we ordered him one using a wonderful women name Ann at Red Thread China. Ann lives in China and has a great reputation in the adoption community. She sent us a picture of the care package and said that it will be delivered next week. (see picture above) She also will be purchasing a cake to go with the package. When I saw the picture, I laughed. I think at the bottom of the picture is cookies, lots and lots of cookies. I didn't think we ordered that many, but apparently we ordered a lot of something. I think I am going to email Ann back and ask her what they are. Jonathan's foster mom is going to think we are junk food addicts when he gets this package.
We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We started this journey nine months ago on October 28, 2008. It is looking like our boy will be home where he belongs very soon.
I will continue to pray your family. I know that God has wonderful plans for your new little guy.