Monday, June 8, 2009

50 days and waiting

It has been 50 days since our dossier was logged into China's system. The good news is that we have waited 50 days. I am trying to prepare myself that we might have to wait roughly another 50 days. On the one China message board that I frequent, there is the 100 days and waiting for LOA club- this is one club no one wants to be a part of for obvious reasons. From this message board, I am able to surmise that families have gotten their LOA's as early as 30 days and one family has been waiting almost 200 days. As you can see, one could possibly drive themselves and their family crazy trying to figure out when their LOA is going to arrive. So, I continue to turn my cell phone on when I go out (something I never really did before all of this), I continue to check my email (quite frequently), and I continue to live life and take care of my family. Lastly, I pray that today may be the day!
Why is there a Thomas train up above? That is because we made our first purchase for Jonathan. Once Jonathan is home, he will be sleeping in a small bedroom that is off of our room. We will be setting up a toddler bed for him. Because all of our crib/toddler bed sheets have gone through 4 children and are stained and have mostly "baby" prints on them, I decided Jonathan deserved a new bedding set for his new room. I was in Walmart this weekend and found the perfect Thomas the Tank Engine toddler bed set. It gave me the idea of taking some trains with us when we travel. I was excited, the kids especially Ben were excited when I showed it to them. Ben has now been asking us to "please set up Jonathan's bed". Maybe he knows something we don't!

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