Thursday, February 26, 2009

God is filled with surprises!

I really thought our next post would be about receiving our USA immigration approval, but God likes to keep us on our toes. We received a call today from our social worker saying she had a referral for us to consider. My first response was "we're not allowed". We had been told many, many times that we would not be able to receive a referral until we had US immigration approval. Our social worker said "I know, but the head China person at Bethany said we could accept this one if we wanted too."

So, today we were given information about a little boy who is currently 33 months old. He is adorable to say the least. He is missing his right leg. We have 2 weeks to decide if we would like to pursue adopting this little boy. This has really caught us off guard (in a good way) we weren't expecting this call for at least a month or two. So now we are faced with a decision that will forever change our family.

Please pray for us over the next 2 weeks that we would be in agreement, that we would have peace, and that God will continue to unfold his plan for our family and this little boy.

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