Thursday, March 4, 2010

Is this normal?

Yesterday, when I saw what Jonathan was doing I just had to laugh. When we were first home, we took Jonathan for a general evaluation at Children's Hospital. While we were there they asked if Jonathan ever lined things up like cars or blocks. I just looked at them and laughed and said "What boy doesn't?" What they were attempting to convey to us was that this behavior is normal, but if it got out of control like compulsive lining up they could help us.

Like all of my kids, Jonathan has a great imagination and loves to play by himself at times. I'm not sure where all the other kids were while he was doing this, but for at least a few minutes he had the playroom to himself.

This picture with ultra man in it is for Jonathan's friend Everest.

Personally, I thought it was really cool how he has ultra man, batman, and playmobil guys all getting along.

So, what do you think? Do we need to seek medical help?


  1. lol!!!! I think I LOVE it!!!! He's perfect!

  2. He is adorable and totally normal. My 15yo son is creating an army of plastic silverware! :-D

  3. Medical help??? Are you kidding? As a mom, grandmom and former teacher , my answer is an equivocal NO...Jonathan is adorable and very, very, normal!!
