Sunday, September 20, 2009

Prayers for this week

We would like to ask you to pray for 2 specific requests this coming week.

1. I have emailed our Social Worker and asked her to find out the last possible date we can receive our Travel Approval to be included in the October group. I also asked her about the status of our Article 5. If our Article 5 has not been approved yet then the chances of our traveling in October will be very slim. Please pray that we get answers this week.

2. We mailed a package to Ann at Red Thread that she is going to forward to Jonathan for us. We mailed the package on September 8th and Ann has not received it yet. Please pray that she will receive our package this week and that she will be able to forward our gifts to Jonathan.

3. Ok- 3 requests- Please continue to pray to our miracle working God, that He would grant us the desire of our hearts and allow our Travel Approval to arrive so that we can travel in October.

My prayer has not only been that we would get our Travel Approval, but that our attitudes would be glorifying to Him even if we don't get to travel in October. I think the hard part right now is not knowing. We would really just like to know one way or the other. So much of this journey has been spent waiting and not knowing. We are in the home stretch. We pray that we would trust God's leading and have patience in the following weeks.

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