Saturday, October 31, 2009

I'm not Marco Polo

This blog post is really short. What I am *really* doing is trying out a new email feature. But, just so that it is not totally devoid of content, I'll share this tidbit of news. Friends of ours threw Kim and me a kind of "baby shower" tonight.

I was in on it, but Kim was really surprised. It was so nice to be surrounded by supporting friends, and to know that we are not in this alone.

It's reassuring to know you've got some backup, when you are venturing out into the unknown.

Along those same lines, I have told myself many times over the past few weeks that "I am not Marco Polo." Of course what I mean by that is that I am not the first person to travel from one continent to another. I am not a lone explorer. I won't be the first European to set foot on the Asian continent!

Far from it. Kim and I will have in-China help from guides, we have a good network of friends and family at home, and ultimately we have God.

It's good to not be alone. Thank you friends, for tonight's reminder!!!

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